Maybe we could also start shooting the idiots in congress and the FAA
that recently farmed out the FSS's to a private contractor with plans to
close a whole bunch of them. FAA also took over mainanence on most
of the AWOS sites so that it now takes 2 weeks to get anything fixed on
them whereas we used to get it done the same day.
Gotta love tha bureaucracy, eh?
Jim - Curmudgeon of the Wild West
On 11/13/05, Robert E. Shlafer <> wrote:
> "We need to start shooting the (idiotic) judges and lawyers....."
> Yeah...absolutely correctomundo. Which is
> not to say ALL lawyers and judges, of course. I know good ones, in each
> case.
> To much BS liberal interpretation (psychoanalytic "understanding") rather
> than "enforcement" in terms of the spirit
> in which the law is written.
> Criminals are in the minority. The law is
> written to protect the law-abiding majority.
> In this respect, the rights of the majority
> MUST logically be the priority, assuming one wishes an orderly, peaceful
> (law-abiding) society.
> I mean...."HELLO"!
> Cap'n Bob
> Peaceful (which doesn't mean I won't fight!) Frog