>2. I wasn't going to replace the head studs. I have a full set of dimpled
>studs. The threads look excellent, but the shafts show varying degrees of
>minor pitting. Should they be replaced. If so, stock, or ARP?
You might consider changing the rod bolts and nuts too - I don't think
you mentioned those. I just did a rebuild last year and I can't remember
if it was in one of my books or from the list, but something I read
recommended changing the rod bolts every time you remove the rod caps
and the nuts every other time. Given how catastrophic a rod bolt failure
can be vs. a head stud failure, if I could only do one I'd do the rod
bolts. Bad news is that those suckers are expensive, but the somewhat
good news in that is that (at least last year when I bought mine) the
ARP ones didn't cost much more than the standard ones and they can
safely be reused. Personally I went ARP with my rod bolts and "stock"
with my head studs. For comparison, my engine is 030 over, Kent 256 cam.
Otherwise stock. Not a competition engine.
1971 Midget - Bebop