1. yes....cheap insurance;
suggest Sureflow type from MiniMania
2. yes.....replace. The current studs have
already been "stretched".... ARP (again, cheap insurance for "the best")
3. You will receive all sorts of good advice
on what to do while "in there" from other
listers by the end of the day. Listen carefully to guys like Chuck C.,
Biff Jones,
Frank C. and others who "know".
I'm not big on NOT "hot-tanking" 'cause it
removes "contamination" from metal surfaces (like cooling channels,
etc.) and
thus, "renews" to basic clean metal. Better
cooling characteristics, fr'instance.
I'm not big on used lifters either, even when accurately matched to
their old
cam lobes (a "must"). The "consequences"
are too expensive to screw around with
as compared to "reasonable" cost of new ones (IMHO). I'd go with new
"quality" lifters, but this is just me.
Since the block has not been hot tanked,
I'd be more inclined to perform more than
a few oil/filter changes in the first 1,000
miles. Hell, I do this anyway with any
"new" motor!!! :):)
Cap'n. Bob
'60 :{)