Well that makes sense.
Just as the lift of the valve is altered by the different rocker ratio, then
so will be the "lost movement" in the clearance.
Interesting discussion!
----- Original Message -----
From "David Lieb" <dbl at chicagolandmgclub.com>
To: "Guy Weller" <Guy.Weller@kencomp.net>; "Spridget List"
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: valve lash
> No, it isn't measuring the actual cam clearance. It is, however, a
> convenient place to measure. Therefore, the numbers that are published for
> this set the correct clearance for the cam, ASSUMING that you still have
> original ratio of rocker arms. This number changes if you change the
> arm ratio. According to Vizard, this number is derived by multiplying the
> desired cam clearance by the ratio of the arm, therefore, if .012" is the
> correct lash with a 1.25:1 ratio arm, then dividing the .012 by 1.25
> .0096 as the cam clearance, multiplying this by the 1.5 ratio yields a
> "corrected clearance" of .0144 for the same cam when running 1.5:1 rocker
> arms. Since .01" is probably the original cam clearance number (I doubt
> it was really .0096), the correct amount of lash should probably be .015".
> David Lieb
> 1972 RWA Midget
> 2002 GTI for Trish to beat me at autocross with