David Lieb wrote:
> They really need to make it a
> little more clear that it is really a Bugeye Sprite Spree with others
> tolerated. I had fun, but I was somewhat disappointed, too.
I have been trying my best to have Rick call it a Spridget event.
Or to be policitally correct, a Sprite/Midget event.
I also told him he would have more responce if he did not single out the
Sprites. Afterall, they are the same except the Sprite looks better ;)
And to the onlookers of the mass drives, all they see is a bunch of the
same little cars. I pleaded with him to make the name cover both models,
the regalia too. I have been pushing for these changes since the 93 meet.
Unless we get a different head honcho, I don't think things will change.
Frank Clarici
Toms River, NJ
Down to just a few Sprites