Very good advice.
If every one did this instead of just a couple of hours (or minutes) in an
oil bath there would be a lot fewer problems.
The other important bit is: - "and the ends of the cork are PARALLEL to the
pan gasket flange".
Guy R Day
----- Original Message -----
From "Larry Miller" <millerls at>
To: "Spridgets List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: Oh help! 1275 reassembly
> According to an old Brit Wrench: Put them in a zip lock bag with some
> oil. Let them soak at least 24 hours. Trial fit making sure the cork is
> fully down in the groove. Trim so that about 3/16" sticks up on both sides
> and the ends of the cork are parallel to the pan gasket flange. Put some
> the sealer that you use on the pan gasket in the area where the pan gasket
> meets the cork seal.
> Larry Miller
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