Hi Robert,
I Drive a MGB everyday, I save the Bug-i for the real fun trips, It is
fine for a comfortable car. Very modern, even has roll up wind'rs.
Mine doesn't out handle either my GT6 or Sprite. The GT6 was scary
fast, but had a tendency to hop on the corners when pushed too hard. I
think they call it Spring wind-up from the transverse mounted spring.
It is the same chassis almost as a Spit, Just a little bigger engine.
It sure went fast on the freeway, even without the overdrive. The Bug-i
is very predictable on the corners. I have a tendency of walking away
from stock MGB's on the curves. It doesn't do as well as the MGB on the
freeway though. They tend to leave me on the hills as they have much
better low torque then I.
IMHO they each have their place. Love the MGB for cruising to Monterey,
Just start her up and you can drive her all day with out a thought about
comfort. The GT6 went great on the freeway, handled the curves real
well, but was hot and small and cramped.. My 5'10" meant I had to drive
with my shift leg bent and avoiding the steering wheel when I shifted.
What a easy car to work on though. Ah the Bug-i is a whole new ball
park. It scoots wonderfully on the corners, lots of room in the floor
and my feet don't cook. It also gets more looks from the ladies then
any other car I have. It just seems to attract the twenty something
Lady. Should have known this when I was twenty something.
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