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Re: Foward tilting non-bugeye bonnet.

To: David Riker <davidr@sunset.net>
Subject: Re: Foward tilting non-bugeye bonnet.
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 18:50:09 -0700
Cc: Toby Atwater <Toby@intri-plex.com>, Spridget Mail List <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Organization: Lawyers with a Lead Foot
References: <71DC5536B8ACD211BA8D00A0C9DDFB9E4253E1@EXCHANGE><007601c03eeb$1ceb6740$7b328ed1@pavilion>
David Riker wrote:

> My friend has a tilt front on his box sprite.  Hinges it at the bumper
> brackets, so that the bumper rocks with the front clip when opened.  I think
> Steve McGee took pictures of it at the Chico British Show.  Steve?...

Hi David,

Yup, there are some pictures of it (not really showing any detail, though) of it
up on the photo album under the Chico Show pictures area.  Already passed this
info along to Toby


Steve McGee, Atty. at Large
Home Page: http://home.pacbell.net/samesq
Photo Album: http://members2.clubphoto.com/steve191750/

Twixt the optimist and the pessimist, the difference is very droll.
The optimist sees the doughnut, while the pessimist sees the hole.

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