Try North West Imports for the cam. I'm very happy with their hot
street cam and it cost a whole lot less than what M*ss is charging
for theirs.
If you do go with any M*ss parts try one of the distributors like
George Merryweather, he will save you 10% plus free shipping. Links
to suppliers can be found on the links page of the site listed in my
Robert Weeks
1969 MG Midget
At 5:39 PM -0700 10/24/00, Mike Rambour wrote:
> Ok, I just got the news from the machine shop. My 1098cc wrecking yard
>motor is not cracked and re-buildable. But its not in good shape either,
>so where is the best place to get pistons/rings/bearings, valves and a cam.
> I need to go .030 over on the pistons, .020 on the mains and .030 on
>the rods. I need all 8 valves, there are several bent ones and the rest
>are burnt. I need some pushrods and 2 exhaust valve seats are really bad
>so my question last week about unleaded inserts is moot, I need valve seat
>inserts. I have the Moss catalog and am doing some on-line shopping too
>but I am open to new places to spend money :)
> My cam has only 1 bad lobe so it may be rebuildable, the machinist is
>checking. Moss lists 2 cams, a $100 one and a $230 "slightly modified for
>improved street performance" one, is it worth the extra money, although the
>cheap one does not list it as a 1098cc cam that question might be moot also.
> I bought the Bentley book this morning so bear with me for stupid
>questions until I get the book, what kind of pulley is on the front, plain
>pulley or vibration damper, my motor does not have one.
> NEXT item is the ignition and carbs, the motor does not have a
>distributor and I figure as long as I am going for it, maybe a electronic
>distributor would be better. Is it ? and which one ? For the carbs, the
>wrecking yard gave me 2 carbs and a manifold and some linkage but I have no
>idea from what motor, he just said they would work and since he was
>"giving" them to me, I didn't argue.
> mike
>~~~~~ I'd rather be sailing and ~~~ .oooO� Oooo.� ~~~~~~~~~~~
>Mike Rambour���������������� � � (� � )� (�� )����
>Bug Writer er...Programmer� \ � ) � ( /�
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