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Best place for parts

To: spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Best place for parts
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 17:39:08 -0700
   Ok, I just got the news from the machine shop.  My 1098cc wrecking yard 
motor is not cracked and re-buildable.  But its not in good shape either, 
so where is the best place to get pistons/rings/bearings, valves and a cam.

    I need to go .030 over on the pistons, .020 on the mains and .030 on 
the rods.   I need all 8 valves, there are several bent ones and the rest 
are burnt.  I need some pushrods and 2 exhaust valve seats are really bad 
so my question last week about unleaded inserts is moot, I need valve seat 
inserts.  I have the Moss catalog and am doing some on-line shopping too 
but I am open to new places to spend money :)

   My cam has only 1 bad lobe so it may be rebuildable, the machinist is 
checking.  Moss lists 2 cams, a $100 one and a $230 "slightly modified for 
improved street performance" one, is it worth the extra money, although the 
cheap one does not list it as a 1098cc cam that question might be moot also.

  I bought the Bentley book this morning so bear with me for stupid 
questions until I get the book, what kind of pulley is on the front, plain 
pulley or vibration damper, my motor does not have one.

   NEXT item is the ignition and carbs, the motor does not have a 
distributor and I figure as long as I am going for it, maybe a electronic 
distributor would be better.  Is it  ? and which one ?  For the carbs, the 
wrecking yard gave me 2 carbs and a manifold and some linkage but I have no 
idea from what motor, he just said they would work and since he was 
"giving" them to me, I didn't argue.


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