In a message dated 08/12/2000 4:04:35 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:
<< he claimed the
the heat/cool cycles make stainless brittle and that the mild steel will
last longer. Any thoughts about that? >>
I would totally agree. I have a friend/customer with a BJ-7 Big Healey
that ordered a UK Made SS system for his car and installed same. Three
months later, baffle broke. (MG'ers think their cars are hot but they ain't
got a clue<G><G>)
So he called the Company for warrenty. "Take it off, send it back to us (in
UK) and we will determine if it is a defect." Now THAT went over like
(insert your own thought<G>) baloon. Bought a mild steel muffler and
installed same. Thats been at least 7 or 8 years ago.
At the time, I purchased a Mild Steel System by Walker of England (1987, I
I painted the entire system with Eastwood High Temp stuff. Im 1990, after
being caught in snow storms in DC, I took the entire system off wirewheel
brushed it.
Looked new. Repainted it and it's still there and solid as a rock.
And trust me, I can "sneeze" and intsall a Spridget system. Easy.
PS: Yep, I always recommend Mild Steel to customers. Also, frees up $$ for
"The We Tight Club" <G><G>
PPS: The friend/customer is also a neighbor (Chicago area). Freight to/from
UK ain't cheap.