Hello spridgets,
just had to tell someone....
the SPRITE runs again.. found the nut that hold the lead
to the condensor LOOSE... that explained why i would miss
a cycle when i went over bumps... and at other times it
would run intermittently.. . .that is .. work fine. then
changed the points... the were set to over .025 gap!..
changed the condensor.. just to be on the safe side
changed the rotor... just because
went back to the STOCK COIL.. to get a better connetion
to the distributor.....
Car runs like a top... 2 months of summer driving left...
BUT the tach doesn't seem to work at all.. it used to
bounce.. and hold no relationship at all to the RPM.. now
it just sits there.... .. any ideas?
also... anyone ever put DELORDO carbs on SPRITES... where
can i get a manifold for such an application.. have
access to a DELORDO 40!
Best regards,
Bill mailto:pythias@pacifier.com
'66 Sprite HAN8L49403