This will be the 5th day of 100+ temps in the San Fernando Valley area of
Southern California. Oh, but that's really okay-it's a dry heat! Yeah,
right... The only good news is that no LBC's are rusting here. Radiators
are exploding, heads are cracking, bearings are melting, dash pads are
splitting. Heck, I can hear vinyl cracking right now. I don't mean to
gripe, but I hate to sweat unless it's from working on the Sprite, or maybe
the yard (in that order). I guess I sound like a heat-wimp. So be it. I'm
moving to the beach next year- even if I can only afford a trailer. If it's
good enough for Jim Rockford, it's good enough for me! Hey, maybe if it
gets hot enough, it'll burn off the smog! One good thing: It's too hot for
bugs. Haven't seen skeeters, gnats or flies in a week.
Martin Johnson
Hotter-n-hell, and looking forward to a cold snap
-----Original Message-----
From Robert Duquette [mailto:RobertDuquette at]
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 4:57 AM
To: spridget list
Subject: Re: One Bummer of an MG Summer
We are getting massive amounts of rain here in Ottawa, too.
Robert Duquette
Ottawa ON Canada
'65 RHD BRG Sprite
-----Original Message-----
From Tomsaudi at <>
To: <>;
Date: August 2, 2000 12:19 AM
Subject: One Bummer of an MG Summer
>Am I the only person here missing out on driving his/her MG this summer
>because of the rain? Here I am in August, and I could not even guess the
>time I drove my MG. It's either always raining, I'm out of town, it's too
>humid, etc, for me to enjoy the car. What makes matters worse is that this
>my first full summer with the car.
>Not like I had a great start either. Being psyched about just having the
>tuned up, the car died on my way to my first club event of the year-culprit
>was a shot clutch slave cylinder, and then after that it was discovered the
>tie rods were totally shot and needed to be replaced. And so, here I sit,
>it's pouring outside, and the weather forecast keeps calling for more of
>wet stuff, my beloved car collects dust in the gargage.
>UGH! Anyone else having as great a summer as me?
>78 Midget (I think it's green, I may have forgotten)