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Re: Jaguar Brooklands Green Color Code + ARP Studs

To: Charles Christ <cfchrist@earthlink.net>, "Graziano, Michael" <michael.graziano@csfb.com>, spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Jaguar Brooklands Green Color Code + ARP Studs
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 20:19:11 -0700 (PDT)
What Chuck said - about $8 - $10 for a nice batch of
touch up.  I love those pre-val sprayers too (about $4
at Ace Hwre).  Use some reducer to help it flow
through the preval.  

--- Charles Christ <cfchrist@earthlink.net> wrote:
> mike babe!  you need to go to a good body shop suply
> house and ask them to
> use "the color match camera" to do a spectral
> reading of the color of your
> car.  it looks like a big old polaroid camera.  if
> your car isnot running
> they need a "flat piece" of the car to read the
> color (like a hood ,trunk
> lid , door)  .  the camera can not read a small
> piece like a scrap cut off a
> rocker or cowel if you are in the process of doing
> some serious repairs.  i
> just took a complete door off the abarth 850tc to
> the shop to match the
> white that was used over 15 years ago.   you can be
> helpfull to the paint
> shop employee if you polish about a square foot of
> the surface for the
> camera to "look" at.   it can not "read " the
> original color through faded
> paint or acid rain stains or dirt.  the cleaner the
> spot you present the
> camera to read the closer the match it will provide.
>  now!  as in all paint
> , the mixer(human error factor) can slightly fudge a
> custom mixed color, and
> in spite of proper stirring or agitation, twenty
> samples of paint from the
> same gallon of paint can all look slightly diffrent.
>   but this method is
> the best way to get a match in the automotive
> refinishing industry today
> just short of having a body shop who posess"s it's
> own in house custom
> mixing system.  and some really large suply houses
> have acess to a facility
> to package custom mixed colors in spray cans too! 
> you have to ask the auto
> body suply house in your town if they have this
> service available or not, it
> does exist!  oh yeah most color match camera's give
> a match in acrylic
> enamel, it is rare but happens that the camera's
> response to the reading of
> a specific color can be translated into a laquer
> formula, and let's not get
> into a base coat/ clear coat discussion here ok?...
> :)
> chuck
> of the larger variety!  just ask my sprite's
> spreen's offset rear springs!
> lol!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Graziano, Michael <michael.graziano@csfb.com>
> To: 'Spridgets' <spridgets@autox.team.net>;
> <mgs@autox.team.net>
> Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 4:36 PM
> Subject: Jaguar Brooklands Green Color Code + ARP
> Studs
> > All,
> >
> > I need to pick up some touch up paint for the
> Midget.  Anyone know the
> color
> > code for JAGUAR brooklands green.  It's not the MG
> brooklands green.  The
> PO
> > painted it a Jag color.  Not sure the year. 
> Anyone make matched colors
> > besides DupliColor.  They don't carry Jag colors. 
> Well at least not on
> the
> > web page, anyway.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > On a side note,  the ARP kit I picked up for the
> Midget (1500) has head
> > studs that are 3/8 too short.  Anyone else have
> this issue?  Dwelley,
> have
> > you checked the legnth of your studs yet?
> >
> >
> > Mike
> >
> >
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> >
> >
> >

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