Around here, everyone paints their driveway with a black ( is it a ) sealer.
It would all be black then.
Robert D.
-----Original Message-----
From William M. Gilroy <wmgilroy at>
To: <>
Date: July 21, 2000 10:08 PM
Subject: Painting parts/domestic harmony
>Since my garage is attached to the house, when I paint in the
>garage, the fumes stink up the house. Since they bother
>my wife, in the name of domestic harmon,y I try to keep painting
>in the garage at a minimum. So yesterday it was nice out
>and I was spray painting up a storm. Well today I notice that
>the overspray/cloud painted a good portion of my concrete
>driveway. There was tire on the ground so now my driveway
>is much darker with a large white ring. Very noticeable.
>Once again in the name of domestic harmony, how do I clean
>up the this mess. I was going to try tide and a stiff scrub
>brush. Any other ideas?
>Bill Gilroy