As I always get into trouble with Ebay critiquing, I
will make one comment only -
Peter, Frank, Dave: The bumperettes are upside down.
--- wrote:
> From
> 0&t=0
> "�If you compare it to a factory model, you will
> notice the full width
> bumpers have been replaced with 1960 style
> "bumperettes", the wheels
> were replaced with 1970 Rostyle midget wheels, the
> heater was removed
> and an aluminum battery tray was installed, the
> final drive gear (diff
> erential gears) have been changed from 4.22 to 3.92
> ratio.�Also, it has
> been converted to a negative ground system (One
> major reason why the car
> has not rusted).�"
> Rick
Ron Soave
"Good luck Mr. Gorsky"
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