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Re: New Guy & "New" Car

To: "David Ramsey" <dwramsey@worldnet.att.net>, "woodrat" <woodrat@spacey.net>
Subject: Re: New Guy & "New" Car
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2000 09:21:01 -0500
Cc: "Spridgets" <spridgets@autox.team.net>
>>>>On 2/8/00 6:47 AM so and so (David Ramsey) said. (And I quote:)

>  When putting the car on
>>a shop lift, jack pads go on A-arms and rear axle?
>I assume you mean a "Floor jack" rear axle under the pumpkin is fine put
>your jack stands under the front of the plate where the springs attach. In
>the front I use the crosspiece in front of the engine, a small 1" thick
>board will keep you from bending up the sheet metal, but look first as it
>probably has already been beat up and a little more won't hurt.  The jack
>stands go either on the two "rails" where they come out of the body when
>pulling the motor for clearance for the cherrypicker. Otherwise a little
>futher out on the body at the firewall is fine.
No I really think he meant shop lift. Ya know one of them things you find 
ina an auto shop that has hydralic pistons that lift the whole car so you 
can walk around under neath it. Used one before and want one, but I don't 
think the landlord would like me to dig a big hole in the parking lot to 
put one in.
>Sorry "I can't" if you don't include some non LBC content I will ask the
>list to ban you for life.  Next time be sure to include something about
>beer, dogs, cats, the fact that somebody hates the word threads, batman,
>witches, or come up with your own non LBC. ( this complies with the above,
>because it is non LBC).  Don't take anything I say serious unless it is
>about bug-i's, and maybe not even then.  "And never ask me about front wheel
>bearings or tell me the tapered roller bearing won't work". ( this complies
>with my need to include something controversial).
>        Again welcome and have fun on the list and with your car.
>            Crash
> ps. you will get two copies of this, that means I posted a copy to the
>list, just in case somebody wants to tell me I'm full of male bovine fecial
You Are ;-)

One of the Real Larry's

Larry Macy
78 Midget

Keep your top down and your chin up.

Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Manager/Administrator
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 10 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104

 Ask a question and you're a fool for three minutes; do not ask a 
question and you're a fool for the rest of your life. 

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