hope to see terry bond in philadelphia pa. at the AACA annual meeting in
febuary. would like to discuss his efforts and how implemented.
pennsylvania restricts vintage(25yrs. old min. age) to the club activities
and parade uses. if you are found driving with a vintage plate twice in
(lets say a club meeting and a unexpected cross town trip to a friends
garage to share some sort of joy . in a single week, 2 separate trips
noticed by the same officer. like it never happened to me.....not! ) a week
you are fined for a first offense. a second offense will also have a fine
and revocation of the vintage plate. reverting the vehicle back to regular
daily use plates. pa. vintage tags are 50.00 once and done unless they
have gone up, with no renewal each year. and a reduced insurance due to
restrictions in use. my restored 67 impala costs $68.00 / year for
insurance, versus my 79 chevy van just shy of $500.00/ year for insurance
(van is lic. as a station wagon lower rates for plates and insurance). if i
had to cover all of my cars with regular ins. i would seriously consider a
dealers tag and it's legal implications, as i could not enjoy all of my toys
without the reduced rates that vintage lic. plates offer. (just aimless
wanderings of a serious car addict)
i would like to see a given allowed yearly mileage for personal use in
pennsylvania. if it exists no one has shared that with me at any of the
state inspection meetings or at any meetings of fellow enthusiasts.
i belong to too many orginizations, gets confusing at times!