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sure you can but why (NO LBC content)

To: spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: sure you can but why (NO LBC content)
From: "William M. Gilroy" <wmgilroy@lucent.com>
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 09:19:10 -0500
Organization: Lucent Technologies
Reply-to: "William M. Gilroy" <wmgilroy@lucent.com>
Sender: owner-spridgets@autox.team.net
I got this off the spitfire list.   Calm down, I read the digest to see
what the Spit boys (and girls) are doing with the 1500 cc engine, since
that is what is in my Midget.  Never no, I might pick up some good 
performance or rebuild tips.  Anyway follow the link for a real shock.

> just a short while ago some one asked about putting digital guages in a
> Spit. Someone said WHY????
> Check out the jJag in this picture and see why you can doesn't mean you
> should.
> (http://www.jagqld.org.au/_images/Jdcq_02.jpg)
> the arthur

Bill Gilroy
77 SpitFiget
90 Shar-Pei

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  • sure you can but why (NO LBC content), William M. Gilroy <=