John said:
...The 5 sparks all fire at the same time, but are spread across the end of
the spark plug, like a 'wall' of sparks rather than one big spark...
Well, if it does do what John says it claims to do, then I can accept that
it may be of benefit - if you have more spark in several places, then more
of the fuel will be ignited at the moment of spark, the flame wall will
spread quicker, and if the fuel burns quicker it will burn more completely,
so more power and less fuel consumption (a bit).
My scepticism remains as I cannot see how a device separate from the spark
plug will pursuade the spark to do anything other than travel across the
single shortest distance between the two terminals of the spark plug.
I must confess to being convinced by somthing along vaguely similar lines,
which is the spark plugs with 4 electrodes rather than just the one. I
can't say I saw any noticeable change when I installed them, but I wasn't
measuring my economy at the time. On reflection, there is almost certainly
just one spark, between the central electrode and whichever of the 4 others
is closest, so the main benefit is slower wear as each electrode will only
be used until it is no longer the closest, then it's the turn of another
However, Robert has tried one and reckons it's helping, so maybe there
really are 5 sparks. If you take a plug out and hold it against the block
while cranking, can you SEE the sparks? That would convince me more than
the 'magic show' that James witnessed!
Richard & Daffy
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