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Re: Paint and brake fluid

To: Terry Thompson <firespiter@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Paint and brake fluid
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2001 16:59:11 -0700
Terry Thompson wrote:
> Okay. I capitulate and I'm doubling back on my
> previous statements. If Silicone is good enough for
> Tiny Tim, it's good enough for my car.
> Now, when you say "not neccessary to rebuild all of
> the components", exactly what items need to be removed
> for thorough cleaning and what can be left on the car
> and "flushed" with the denatured alcohol? (Or does
> your definition of easy include the total dismanteling
> of the brake hydraulics).
> I've already installed the braided stainless brake
> lines.

OK, Here's what I did when I built Tiny Tim:

I already rebuilt the master cylinders and clutch slave in the course or 
events.  But I did not rebuild any of the wheel cylinders or calipers.  I
purged all the old fluid but did not clean it out with anything.  I ran enough 
DOT5 fluid through the system bleeding the brakes that I doubt any of
the old stuff was left.

About 2 months after I did that, I got a minor leak in the left front caliper 
and rebuilt only that unit.  Since then (over a year) I have had no
problems whatever with any of the brake parts! 

I expect the seals in the caliper were already worn and would have begun to 
leak regardless of what sort of fluid I put in the system.

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