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Engine numbers - a little enlightenment please?

To: "Herald List" <triumph_herald@yahoogroups.com>,
Subject: Engine numbers - a little enlightenment please?
From: "Suzie" <Suzie_Bear@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 21:43:27 +0100
The Baby Blue heart transplant saga continues.

Having been let down by Quiller I tracked down an FD engine which had been
reconditioned several years ago but little used afterwards. Mostly it's fine
though it has now been completely stripped down and some parts are being
replaced (courtesy of Canley Classics), thrust bearings and other bearings,
timing chain and whatever else seems a good idea. With some luck and
perseverance it will finally be installed this weekend.

So, here comes the question. The engine that's come out of BB matches the
log book and seems right for her vintage, FD19359HE (or, NE according to the
log book) to go with her Comm No of FD16410. This new engine number is
FD372ESS, well that's what it looks like. Can the combined wisdom tell me
anything about this engine?


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