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Re: another alleged Spitfire sighting (longish)

To: HD883HUGGR@aol.com
Subject: Re: another alleged Spitfire sighting (longish)
From: Laura.G@141.com (Laura Gharazeddine)
Date: Mon, Oct 23 2000 16:44:42 GMT-0600
So way, way cool!!!


Laura G.

>Okay, I gotta brag just a tad.
>    You folks who were into the Olympics should recognize the name Misty 
>Hyman.  Misty won a gold medal this year when she broke a 20-year Olympic 
>world record (as well as her own record) in the Butterfly.  Misty is also a 
>graduate of Shadow Mountain High School, which is about 4 blocks from my home.
>    Since my wife is the head coach for Shadow Mtn's cheer squad and all 3 of 
>my daughters graduated from there, I do a lot of sound & lighting work there 
>for a reduced fee (I own a DJ company).  
>    This year, Misty was the Parade Marshall for Shadow Mtn's homecoming 
>parade, and was a special guest at the pre-game assembly in the gymnasium.  
>While I was doing a last-minute tech run-thru for the assembly, I noticed the 
>principal and the Student Gov't advisor trying to fit a Miata through the 
>doors to no avail.  Seems they wanted to drive Misty into the gym through the 
>smoke and strobe lights, but the BMW Z3 they had lined up was just a hair too 
>wide and the Miata wasn't faring any better.  Of course, I couldn't help but 
>suggest that Hobbs, my 1977 Spitfire, ought to be a good 2-3 inches skinnier 
>than contemporary convertibles.  As an added bonus, Hobbs is royal blue, 
>which is one of Shadow Mtn's school colors.
>    The rest fell into place perfectly: Hobbs slid thru the door like a 
>greased pig, the students thought the car was sweet, and Misty turned out to 
>be just as humble and genuine as she was before she made world news.  And 
>because it was my car, the principal insisted that I take the wheel.  So as 
>the TV cameras rolled, the monza exhaust roared and 2000 students went 
>completely bananas, Hobbs and I made history in our own little way.
>    Gotta love it!

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