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Re: Hummmmmm

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Hummmmmm
From: "Dean Dashwood" <Dean.Dashwood@enron.com>
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 09:04:37 +0100

I love this car!

In fact, I remember seeing an item on it on some tv show a few years ago.
Here's a couple of other snippets I remember from the show - some of them
directly contradict what the web-site says, so I guess that in those cases
either my memory is playing up, or there's a bit of "urban legend" creeping in

As the web site says, the car was built around a Rolls Royce Merlin engine.  As
far as I remember (and here's the first discrepency with the web site) it was
not brought to the attention of Rolls Royce by the police, but by a regular
customer of theirs.

This gentleman was driving along the Autobahn in Germany in his own, stock,
Rolls Royce at a fair speed (no speed limits, for anyone not familiar with
German Autobahns, although I believe they have a "recommended" speed limit of
220km/h, around 135-140mph), when The Beast went rolling past him.  He
recognised the distinctive radiator grill, contacted his local Rolls Royce
showroom, and told them he'd like to buy one.  The salesman, not surprisingly,
had no idea what he was talking about, and contacted head office.  I have to
admit the police story sounds more believable, but I prefer the other version!

The other thing I remember from this tv program was that Rolls Royce (or was it
the police, I don't remember?) were unhappy about The Beast being driven to
court each day, and Mr Dodd left it home one day - and turned up in a horse and
cart instead!

Arthur, thanks for reminding me of one of the most amusing items I've ever
watched on any car show!


Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 08:45:10 EDT
From: Thearthurhsmith@cs.com
Subject: Hummmmmm

OK its not an LBC.
OK its not a Spit.... well maybe there is a bit of Spitfire influence. Tee hee


Arthur H. Smith
1982 Jag XJ6  with  4 speed AOD
1969 GT6 resto project

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