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finding the rim size pt.2

To: List Spitfires <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: finding the rim size pt.2
From: Dean Martz <dmartz@dns.lake-coe.k12.ca.us>
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 12:06:28 -0700
Nolan, Michael, and list,

                Perhaps I was  not clear. I know that the size is
SUPPOSED to be  stamped on the rim, and have looked on the rims for #'s,
or clues to the size. My question was more along the lines of is there
something special to look for (i.e. only the '76 had slotted wheels and
they were 4.5" therefore, I have an a 4.5" rim.). As I said in the first
go-round, they have the inset that would take the plastic hubcaps,
commonly found on square-tails, but for all I know, all pressed wheels
for the Spit had this. And again, real clear on how to look at specs for
a car and see what is SUPPOSED to be on the car. I think my solution was
in my question...the tire store can replace what's on the rim with the
same size or close, and at the same time , tell me the rim size. I'm not
that anal about it, but, since the list has amazed me with all sorts of
bizarre little hints and tips about everything else Triumphant, I
thought I'd ask.

Thanks,  Dean M. ('63 Spit)

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