Maybe there's a gremlin in the UK passenger side door mechanisms - my
gremlin lives in the locking mechanism. The mechanism works fine, with
the bolts holding the mechanism to the door loosened (not even removed
completely), but refuses to lock with the mechanism tightly screwed on.
Spent hours trying to work out why, final solution was to leave the door
unlocked - let's face it, if someone wanted to break in, it's not
exactly difficult! In fact, it's probably worth leaving it unlocked
anyway - if someone did decide to nick the (pretty crappy) stereo, at
least they won't need to slice the roof to do it!
No use to you at all, but I thought I'd at least offer a little sympathy
over the awkward door mechanism problem...
Richard Gosling and Daffy (unlocked, but could probably do with some
sort of alarm...)