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Re: Spits in England (was Re: Plastic Mirror mount)

To: Andrew Mace <amace@unix2.nysed.gov>
Subject: Re: Spits in England (was Re: Plastic Mirror mount)
From: "Dean Dashwood" <ddashwoo@ect.enron.com>
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 09:04:53 +0100
I believe that's true for the cars - not sure about the planes, thought!

(But you also have to consider that the population of the US is considerably
larger than the population of the UK.)

On Tue, 7 Sep 1999, Laura Gharazeddine wrote:

> I thought that more spits were sent to the US than stayed in GB during the
> years of manufacture.

I think you're right about that, and often by a ratio of around 4:1 or
better (with US getting the 4 or better)!


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