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Re: Madonna

To: "jonmac" <jonmac@ndirect.co.uk>, "Jim Philpott" <ORMJIM@webtv.net>
Subject: Re: Madonna
From: "Laura G." <savercool@email.msn.com>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 08:24:43 -0800
They sell postcards of "The Waterfall"-and let me blow you away some
more-there are rooms that are rock-and feature showers that are waterfalls!

And the mens room in the basement under the coffee shop-the urinal is a
copper trough and when the electric eye is broken, water comes though a
copper water wheel, turning the wheel and sending water into the trough. Oh,
btw-the sinks are also copper and have old fashioned hand pumps! (I really
dig it-can you tell?)

And as for Californians being twisted-one can drive from one end of this
great land of ours to the other and find all kinds of oddities-some odder
than what we have! There's even a guide book or two! <BG>

Happy Trails!

Laura G. and Nigel
-----Original Message-----
From: jonmac <jonmac@ndirect.co.uk>
To: Jim Philpott <ORMJIM@webtv.net>
Cc: Spitfires List <Spitfires@Autox.Team.Net>
Date: Friday, October 30, 1998 12:28 AM
Subject: Re: Madonna

>> We are from the Puget Sound area of Washington State.  My wife was told
>> of the world famous men's room of the Modonna Inn by her 75 year old
>> aunt many years ago.  I don't think any tour of California would be
>> complete without a visit to the modonna inn.  Kinda spookey what
>> californians think of for the tourists to see.
>Oh, absolutely not <Big G> I consider myself to be something of a
>authority of the vast variety of 'Pissoire's' and 'Urinette's' dotted
>France - including the more modern unisex versions in Paris which
>automatically throw you out after about 10 minutes occupancy!
>> Story I heard was Mr. Madonna started with $0.17 now has a large
>> construction co.,a large cattle ranch, and 2000 acres in San Luis
>> Obispo, Built this elaborate Inn, gas station, resturant complex to
>> improve the quality of life in the area. Also had exotic animals .  I
>> guess it is traditional that even the women have to check out the
>> elaborate waterfall urnial in the basement of the lobby.
>A WATERFALL version? My God! Is it susceptible to additional
>cataracts in the manner of Niagara and Victoria following on from
>heavy rains up-country? :-)
>Clearly, Mr. Madonna's creation is of such critical importance to both
>sexes (both as users and spectators) that I feel Mark B. should seriously
>consider opening up another list to cover this subject in isolation :-) I
>would be
>delighted to be a regular contributor.
>Has anyone photographed this wondrous edifice? I've already delayed my
>for work searching Infoseek and Yahoo to determine if there is a URL -
>without success.
>If anyone has a picture of the WATERFALL, I'd be delighted to receive it
>off list to add
>to my collection.
>John Mac

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