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Re: Timing is everything

To: drfaustus@london.crosswinds.net
Subject: Re: Timing is everything
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb@cs.utah.edu>
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 15:19:55 -0700 (MST)
Now that I don't have to run off and get some paint on the bare wood I
left sort of nailed to the sid eof the house, I'll describe checking this in
a bit more detail.

With everything connected, and the rocker cover off, you want to rotate
the motor ( by hand) and see that the following three events coincide:

  The crank shows you are at TDC, for cylinder number one.

  The rotor in the distrbiutor is pointing to the position for the number one
  cylinder on the cap.  Ignore the points for the moment.

  The valves for cylinder four are "on the rock" with the exhaust just closing
  and the intake just opening.  This assumes you have a symmetrical cam grind,
  which I'm 99.9356 percent certain you do.

If these are happening, then you are close enough, within the range of having
the car run reasonably well.  When you rebuild that motor this winter, you can
actually spend the time to check the cam timing in detail.


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