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Re: Gearbox goofiness

To: "Eric A. Yates" <eyates@earth.nwu.edu>, spitfires@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Gearbox goofiness
From: Thomas Carney <gt6in@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 07:41:33 -0700 (PDT)

I have similar problems on my GT6.  Although my GT6 was probably not
run for about 8years as far as the transmission goes.  What I found is
that after about 3 months of driving the sticking in gear went away. 
Mine used to get stuck in reverse and I would have to turn the car off
to get it out.  Now it never happens.
As far as the getting the car in gear from neutral to first I just
release the clutch with the car in neutral give the car a bit of gas
then put the clutch in and it finds first.  Or what you can try is put
it in second gear first then push it up to first gear.  I've had this
problem forever on my Bugeye Sprite as well as the GT6 and even my
grandfather's Citroen.  I don't know what it is but I thought I might
tell you that there is a way around it.

---"Eric A. Yates" <eyates@earth.nwu.edu> wrote:
> Hello folks,
> After wedging a new starter motor into my Spitfire and giving it a
> tune-up, I'm back on the road just in time for Autumn. However, my
> acts up from time to time. Maybe you folks have some ideas...
> Over the weekend, I put about 120 miles on the car. Over those miles
I had
> trouble about 3-4 times. They seem to be isolated incidents, but
> they are symptoms of a bigger problem. Here are some examples of my
> gearbox's misbehavior:
> Incident #1: At one point the transmission got "stuck" in second
gear. I
> literally could not move the stick out of 2nd. I came to a stop and
let the
> engine stall. Then I restarted the engine and drove away, everything
> working fine. This has only happened once (so far).
> Incident #2: Sitting at a red light, gearbox in neutral, it would
not go
> into any gear. It was as if the clutch were not doing its job and
> me to shift into gear. I finally just jammed the thing into first
and away
> I went. The engine did not stall when I shoved it into gear. This,
too, has
> only happened one time to this point.
> Other finickiness (this is the only thing that happens fairly
> consistently): When coming to a stop, the gearbox is often reluctant
to go
> into first. Once I come to a full stop, it usually snicks right in. At
> other times I have to be a little more firm with it and give it a good
> shove. At such times I hear a slight crunch, but nothing too bad.
> I have never done any transmission work on my car so dumb down your
> responses to newbie-level. Thanks!
> Eric.
> ---------------------------------------
> Eric A. Yates * eyates@earth.nwu.edu
> 1978 Spitfire 1500 * FM 71614 U
> Chicago, IL  USA

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