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Gearbox goofiness

To: triumphs@autox.team.net
Subject: Gearbox goofiness
From: "Eric A. Yates" <eyates@earth.nwu.edu>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 15:31:41 -0500
Hello folks,

After wedging a new starter motor into my Spitfire and giving it a thorough
tune-up, I'm back on the road just in time for Autumn. However, my gearbox
acts up from time to time. Maybe you folks have some ideas...

Over the weekend, I put about 120 miles on the car. Over those miles I had
trouble about 3-4 times. They seem to be isolated incidents, but perhaps
they are symptoms of a bigger problem. Here are some examples of my
gearbox's misbehavior:

Incident #1: At one point the transmission got "stuck" in second gear. I
literally could not move the stick out of 2nd. I came to a stop and let the
engine stall. Then I restarted the engine and drove away, everything
working fine. This has only happened once (so far).

Incident #2: Sitting at a red light, gearbox in neutral, it would not go
into any gear. It was as if the clutch were not doing its job and allowing
me to shift into gear. I finally just jammed the thing into first and away
I went. The engine did not stall when I shoved it into gear. This, too, has
only happened one time to this point.

Other finickiness (this is the only thing that happens fairly
consistently): When coming to a stop, the gearbox is often reluctant to go
into first. Once I come to a full stop, it usually snicks right in. At
other times I have to be a little more firm with it and give it a good
shove. At such times I hear a slight crunch, but nothing too bad.

I have never done any transmission work on my car so dumb down your
responses to newbie-level. Thanks!


Eric A. Yates * eyates@earth.nwu.edu
1978 Spitfire 1500 * FM 71614 U
Chicago, IL  USA

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