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Re: Looks like I've been ripped off...

To: John Suchak <suchak@mediaone.net>
Subject: Re: Looks like I've been ripped off...
From: Andy Warfield <warfiel@gaul.csd.uwo.ca>
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1998 19:26:30 -0400 (EDT)

        I'm sorry if you were lead to believe that you were not going to
receive the top back from me.  I'm at school right now, about eight hours
away from home (and spitfire), and have been coordinating the mailing of
tops through my father, who is still at home with the car.  To the best of
my knowledge, he shipped the top, and a cheque to you last week.

        Anyhow, I did get the message from you asking if I had received
the top... but in the insanity that has been the first month of school I
must have missed replying to it.  I did send mail home asking that they
ship the frame and cheque to you, and will call after this to ensure that
they have.  I'm really sorry about any inconvenience that this has caused
you, and I apologize to the other listers for this having to become a
list-wide issue.

        In my own defence I would like to point out that I had hoped to
recieve the top from you during the summer, so that I could mail the
frame back to you personally.  In fact I sent you the initial cheque about
three months before you mailed the top to me, and I'm sure that you will
agree that the amount of mail on your part to keep  me abreast of the
situation was rather limited.  I wasn't too concerned about this - as the 
summer moved on, I needed it less and less :).  I guess that I had just
assumed that you were being really laid back about things and that there
wasn't a huge urgency to take the existing frame off of the car and ship
it back to you.  Also, it might have been nice to receive a final message
from you that showed the same degree of distress that your message to the
lists does...  up until now, I assumed that you were fine with how things
were going.

        This will be the end of any justification on my part on the issue;
the last thing that I want to see is some sort of flame-war errupt over
this.  I'm incredibly thankful for the resources that this list provides
and would feel terrible about violating the great trust and comradery that
exists between all of the participants.

Sorry John, and everyone else,


    "Every asylum in this nation is filled with poor
     souls who simply cannot stand lanolin, cellophane,
     plastic, television, and subdivisions."

        - A Confederacy of Dunces, John Kennedy Tool

Andy Warfield

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