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Re: My car has been recovered, and is now at home

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net, spitfires@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: My car has been recovered, and is now at home
From: tomomalley@hey.net (Tom O'Malley)
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 01:26:10 GMT
Dan writes...
>Greetings, listers,
>I have retrieved my car, and it is now sitting in my garage. I was able to get
>the hood open (after rather draconion measures - of which more later), and I
>drove it home.

>ITEM 6: when the car left here, each cylinder had between 150 and 170 psi
>compression. Now, the compression checks as follows:
>#1 = 155
>#2 = 50
>#3 = 25
>#4 = 145
>#5 = 170
>#6 = 35
>Putting oil in the cylinders raised the compression around 5 - 10 psi each. A
>check of the valve clearances showed zero on the exhaust valves for the low
>cylinders, and very little or zero on most of the others as well. I haven't
>done a thorough check yet, but it appears that somehow the valve clearance has
>decreased across the board. Any one have any ideas as to why this happened?
>How much damage do you think I am looking at?


>One thing did upset me quite a bit, though, about the hood episode: someone
>tried to use a screw driver to pry the hood open. In the process, they scarred
>up the scuttle and the right fender, and the screwdriver slipped and carved a
>4 inch gouge in the top of the hood, clear to bare metal. That's going to cost
>me a quite bit to get repaired, hoping I can get the paint to match without
>having to do the entire front end.


It certainly was incredibly generous of Dan Masters to loan out his
TR6 for Leon's east coast tour.  Given all the free help that Dan
provides to this list,  perhaps we could set up a fund to help him
defray some of the repair costs.  

Tom O'Malley in Southbridge Massachusetts
'74, '77 Spits

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