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Clutch problems

To: spitfires@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Clutch problems
From: Nathan Coraor <ncoraor@csrlink.net>
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 22:12:07 -0400
Howdy all...

I'm having a little trouble with the clutch on my '80 Spit.  It works fine
in all gears + OD.  However, when I take off from a dead stop, if the gas
is pushed down too far, the clutch slips.  It's not like a normal slip that
I'm used to on my brother's VW where it overrevs but you still get some
power through to the wheels... when it happens on the Spit, you get almost
no power until you let off the gas and it catches (lurch forward, etc.).
This clutch is only about 3 months old and it's been doing this since we
put it in.  Is there some easy adjustment that can be done or is the clutch
just bad?


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