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re:Dashpot Oil

To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: re:Dashpot Oil
From: Tom Carney <tcarney@concentric.net>
Date: 4/6/1998 21:14
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

> Listers
> Can someone please explain the purpose of dashpot oil?
> I'm well aware of what happens when I let it get too low,
> car bucks and heaves while shifting up like it's only 
hitting on
> three cylinders.
  Yep that is what it pretty much does.  It prevents the 
piston from rocketing up when you hit the gas.  And 
prevents the piston from going straight down(very fast) 
after you let go of the gas.  Kinda like 
the way Oil filled shocks on a car work.  At least they 
use'em on RC cars.  
> Does it act as a hydraulic damper on carb piston.
> My apologies if this has been covered before but I am 
> Thanks in advance
> Chris Taylor
> 75 Spitfire
> Burlington, Ontario


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