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Re: Tornado air swirling thingies

Subject: Re: Tornado air swirling thingies
From: John Miller <>
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2005 10:21:32 -0800
shop-talk supported in part by Fat Chance Garage

> According to the guy on the show, Mercedes is adding something
> similar to their setup. I can't remember what their name was
> but I'm pretty sure it had the word "Tabs" in it. There was
> one other manufacture he mentioned but I forgot who it was.
> The mention of the auto makers doing something similar was
> what kicked this Tornado thing slightly above snake oil.

Automakers do all kinds of things to control/direct the flow of air in 
the intake passage, some have to do with quieting or changing the pitch 
of the rush of air, some have to do with making MAFs work better at low 
airflow levels, etc.

Problem is that none of it is one-size-fits-all, without extensive 
testing and prototyping on a specific application you're as likely to do 
harm as good.


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