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Re: Propane vs electric

To: Eric Murray <>
Subject: Re: Propane vs electric
From: Trevor Boicey <>
Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 23:03:29 -0400
Eric Murray wrote:
> Electric and piped gas are
> always monopolies so theres no shopping around.

   That's not actually true everywhere.

   Here in Ontario, Canada, we have the fair access laws, so although 
the piping is all owned by the same company, you can buy your gas from a 
few companies. In return, they pay a government-set fee to the company 
that owns the distribution network.

   It's kind of like being able to choose your long distance company, 
even though Bell owns all the lines.

   The kind-of-sad news though is that a large percentage of the 
alternative companies are a little shady. They market door to door and 
are known to do things like asking to see your gas bill to "calculate 
your possible savings", but really they take down your account number 
and file your switchover paperwork without your consent.

   But oh well... gas is obviously important here because winter heating 
bills can get large. ($450+ for the coldest months even for my modern 
well-insulated house, it can get a lot higher in older draftier places)

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