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Re: Centry Mig welders

Subject: Re: Centry Mig welders
Date: Sat, 06 Apr 1996 18:50:29 -0500
Henry and Preston,

It seems we're all on the same track, more or less.

I have had three bids on my "dream garage,"...the following are my specs
that I gave to the builders:

30' X 40'
12' walls (to accommodate the lift I plan to install)
shingle roof w/ 16" overhang all around+ fascia
steel ceiling inside (white)
3 windows, double pane for insulation properties
hole in wall for air conditioner :-)
1 16' garage type insulated door
1 entrance door w/ window
Building fully insulated for winter use
4" cement slab, except where my lift is going to be placed...has to be 6" there

All of the bids range between $12,200 and $14,500, complete.

It gets pretty cold here (MIchigan) so the insulation thing is big with me
and while metal buildings would logically seem to be colder, I have been
assured that with proper insulation they're as warm as a conventional structure.

Either of you guys have any ideas of what I may have forgotten in my specs?
Oh, btw, I'll do the elec myself.  

Best regards,
Jim Beckmeyer
90 Jag Sovereign
60 Jag MK II

At 06:17 AM 4/6/96, you wrote:
>In <>, on 04/03/96 at 11:52 AM,
>   Henry Frye <> said:
>>As the snow is almost melted here in the mountains of northern 
>>Connecticut, I am getting ready to go on building my dream shop.  I 
>I am about to do the same thing - would you care to tell me about your
>dream shop?  my dreams have been very vague to date
>>Manufacturers of steel buildings advertise kits that come in under $5.00 
>>per square foot.  I must say this is interesting as my budget could 
>>build a much bigger shop and have room left over for things I thought I 
>>would have to wait for...
>seems we are thinking alike - the metal structure might be much cheaper -
>but the aestetics (sp?) may be less pleasing and in the cold climates they
>may be colder - I am just speculating because I have no experience with
>Preston Smith ( {Retiring summer 96}
>Betti Ann's toys: 6 looms and 2 spinning wheels
>Our toys: 94 Grand Cherokee (attached to a 27' Shasta trailer) and 93
>Altima Our MGB toys: '80 LE (drivable), '79 Roadster (w/o oil pressure),
>'80 Roadster (inop)
Best regards,
Jim Beckmeyer
Best regards,
Jim Beckmeyer

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