Your Fax and E-mail were received and forwarded to the Executive Officers of
NAMGBR. I seem remember reading a reply to your message sent by D.
Zimmerman, our Secretary. Is it possible you deleted before reading? You
say you faxed your form "a while ago", it was received three weeks ago and
your follow up e-mail was received and forwarded last Weds. Normal
processing of a membership takes 3-4 weeks from the time the fax is received
(6-7 weeks for mailed membership forms). I have included D. as a recipient
of this message and hope your membership status question is answered by
week's end. Rest assured that we are working towards getting you your intial
NAMGBR membership materials. We thank-you for your interest in becoming a
member and look forward to having you along for the ride.
Safety Fast,
David Deutsch
Membership Coordinator
North American MGB Register
----- Original Message -----
From: Ken Waringa <>
To: MG <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 8:47 AM
Subject: NAMGBR
> Does anyone have a point of contact for this organization? I faxed my
> membership application a while ago now and have received no response. I
> also sent an email to the membership point of contact on their web site,
> again, no response. I'd like to join, but is seems no one is home.
> Ken