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RE: Help for a 66 MGB

To: "Rob Camblin" <>, "MG List" <>
Subject: RE: Help for a 66 MGB
From: "Lawrence Alexander" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 08:37:35 -0800

This was discussed at some length some while ago. If your friend's tach and
speedo suggest that 5,000 rpm equates to 45 or 50 mph, one or both of the
instruments is way out of adjustment or else he has terminal clutch slip (or
else he doesn't realize there's a 4th gear to shift into!). At 5,000 rpm in
4th his actual road speed should be closer to 90 mph.

As for the noisy 1st gear, that's something that could be fixed by an
expensive gearbox rebuild - it probably needs a new 1st gear, new laygear,
layshaft and bearings.

British Sportscar Center

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Rob Camblin
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 1999 6:37 AM
To: MG List
Subject: Help for a 66 MGB

Hello List,

I usually ask or comment about "T"s on the list, but our club newsletter
editor has received the below plea for help.  If you could give some
insights we will pass them on in the next issue of the Club's newsletter.

All reply's can be either to the list or to


Rob Camblin
50 TD

Hello from all your MG friends in Joplin, Missouri. I really enjoy reading
the MG Post and , being a new member, I just wanted to drop a line and see
if anyone up that way has any advice to share with an old Joplin MGer.
     My problem being I own a �66 MGB and its all original. I really
love the oldcar and she�s in real good shape but I�m not very happy with the
transmission. The way it whines in first gear reminds me of my
Dad�s old granny geared hay truck I used to drive down in Arkansas. And, if
that�s not bad enough, when I get to the fourth gear the motor sounds like
its winding up to 7 or 8 grand.  I look around me and I�m cruising maybe a
whole 45 or 50 mph.      Now, true, the tach is not showing much over 5 or
so and if I want to reallypush the old throttle
down she will keep up with most of the traffic around here, albeit the red
line is really showing up on the tachometer.
     Question #1: Am I expecting too much out of the girl or does it sound
like there might be a problem?
     Question #2: Is there any other tranny that will interchange, maybe
like a 5-speed or something? Or maybe a gear change would be in order.
     Surely someone out there has had the same experience and could
maybe share alittle advice on how to make a long road trip seem a bit more
enjoyable. I would certainly appreciate any advice at all.

        Thank you kindly,
        Red and Bonna Smith

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