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Re: Problems with receiving and sending mail

To: Owen Michaels-Hardy <>
Subject: Re: Problems with receiving and sending mail
From: Kevin Baker <>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 14:49:57 +0000 (GMT)
The reply to Owen's message on the delaying of messages and threads is a 
common one and a 'feature' of the internet.  The internet is a loose 
connection of (big) computers, some are fast and some are slow, some are 
joined to many others and some aren't. The way mail gets to you is 
actually indirect, so there is no regular route for messages from the 
same or different places.

Best wishes,

Kevin L. Baker

/ Tel(24Hrs) 0116 257 7761        Department of Human Communication    \
/        Fax 0116 257 7708          De Montfort University,            \
/                                     Scraptoft Campus,                \
/                                       Leicester LE7 9SU,  U.K.       \

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