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To: "James Nazarian" <>, "v8" <>
Subject: HTOBs
From: "Wayne Brazinski" <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2005 09:43:38 -0500
References: <>
Reply-to: "Wayne Brazinski" <>
Does anyone have any experience with the Tilton product? Maybe it's more reliable? I seem to remember that Tom White had big problems with his Howe brand as well.

(Who will have to make this decision at some point!)

----- Original Message ----- From: "James Nazarian" <>
To: "v8" <>
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2005 9:17 PM
Subject: HTOBs

I remember this coming up a few months ago but I don't remember if there's a
consensus. The original thread was that the HTOBs are all very unreliable.
At the time I think I said I had had 25k miles of trouble free use from
mine. Well during my transmission change over the winter I disassembled it
and the o-rings were nearly gone. Now, less than 1000 miles later they blew
out. Was a consensus ever reached about a HTOB brand that was reliable and
durable? I'd like to think that it was a fluke that mine blew up again, but
I fear that it isn't. I'm going to discuss it with Howe on Monday, but I'd
like to start making a backup plan.


James Nazarian
71 MGB Tourer
87 BMW 325es

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