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Re: Wheel spacers

To: MG V8 list <>
Subject: Re: Wheel spacers
From: Larry Dickstein <>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 17:53:57 -0500
Reply-to: Larry Dickstein <>
>Hi all V8'ers, I need a 1/2" set of wheel spacers for a 4 by 4 1/2
>Anyone know where to get them?

Any good machine shop ought to be able to turn them from billet aluminum
for less than the $150 CDN-about $100 Ameribucks.  According to Goober,
my machinist pal, you can go w/ the bolt to the hub type w/ lugs at 45
degrees or simply a spacer w/ longer lug bolts.  A variety of race shops
sell the longer bolts.  You might want to consider the warning on the
longer lug bolts that says something like "don't use these w/ spacers:"
but you're on your own there.

Larry Dickstein
Lone Jack, MO

Pop. 528 (New census numbers)

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