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Re: Newsletter

Subject: Re: Newsletter
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 20:20:19 EST
In a message dated 11/25/2001 7:14:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> It appears that the current problem pretty much comes down to money, and the
> mailing list which is really just a list of who has contributed money to
> offset the production costs of the newsletter.


Actually, the problem doesn't really have anything to do with money, at least 
not directly. The problem has to do with individuals not meeting their 
obligations. The money for printing and mailing is there, or at least it 
should be there, and the subscriber list is there, it just isn't where it can 
do any good. 

If I send the master copy to Florida for printing and distribution, the 
quality will be as poor as before, and there will be an aditional delay in 
getting it out. The last issue took 1 1/2 months to go out after the masters 
were received in Florida. Even if I were to absorb the costs myself and print 
the newsletter here, I still can't get it out because I have no way of 
knowing where to send it.

I would have no problem personally with an electronic distribution. What do 
the rest of you think? PGF files downloaded from the V8 web site? HTML? As I 
understand it, some of the money from the subscription fees goes to cover 
part of the cost of the annual convention, so the registration fees for the 
convention may have to be higher to offset the loss of funds. I'm not sure of 
this, as I have not been involved at all in the money aspects of the 
newsletter, and there may be other expenses that I'm not aware of. One thing 
I do know for sure, though, is that *I* am not making any money on this 
venture! Nor do I intend to. This is strictly a volunteer effort on my part.



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