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Going on a road trip with the V8

To: "MG List" <>, "MGB-V8 List" <>, <>
Subject: Going on a road trip with the V8
From: "Allen Wulf" <>
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 17:21:07 -0600
Reply-to: "Allen Wulf" <>
We're going on a road trip to the Black Hill with some folks in the MGCC,
Rocky Mountain Centre from Sept 7th through Sept 11th.  After that my wife and
I will leave the group and take a trip to Portland.  We'll travelling through
Montana and the Idaho panhandle on Tuesday and Wednesday.  We'll be in
Portland until Sunday afternoon, Sept 16th, then we'll be traveling home
through Idaho, Utah and Wyoming.  Our car is a black '67 MGB-V8 conversion.
Wave if you see us on the road.

Al Wulf

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