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RE: fuses

Subject: RE: fuses
From: Lewis Palmer <>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 18:58:32 -0700
As I recall, the factory felt that circuits which were critical to the
operation of the car (fuel pump, headlights (at night), etc) should not be
fused. The failure in the wiring harness was less likely than that of a fuse
failure. Go figure.

Lew Palmer

> I'm rewiring a Morris Minor now and will do my TD next year.  Can anyone
> explain the lack of fuses on circuits like lights and fuel pump?  It seems
> prudent to install some inline fuses behind the dash.  Where are fusible
> links appropriate?
> I've had an electrical car fire once and don't care to have another.
> John Olman

Add fuses. The prewar cars had fuses for everthing.


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