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To: MMM <>
From: David Stansbie <>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 10:12:47 +0100
Reply-to: David Stansbie <>
I took my J2 to the Le Puy Retro Grand Prix in July for its
first 'race' after a long restoration. It went very well 
but didn't stop! I now intend to supercharge it over the 
winter and want to improve the brakes. At the moment they 
are 8 inch with original drums and backplates but new 
cables and shoes. There is no oil on the shoes and they 
have had a 1000 miles to bed in and I guess are as good as 
they will ever be. What is the best stategy. Go to 12 inch 
brakes or stick with the 8 inch but fit new alfin type 
drums? I've had conflicting advice. Some say 12 inch brakes
from a P type will transform the braking others say that 
both 12 and 8 inch are not really much different and I 
should just accept the standards of 70 years ago. Mike 
Hawke says that the 12 inch conversion will add a lot of 
weight to the car. 
Advice would be appreciated from anyone who has experience 
of this.

David Stansbie

David Stansbie

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