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Re: Bonneville 200mph club minimums...

Subject: Re: Bonneville 200mph club minimums...
From: Ray Buck <>
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2003 17:54:47 -0600
A quick correction on the quote and an observation from a FNG (me.)

France said, "The mule's blind, boys.  Keep loadin the wagon."  (At least 
that's how Smokey Yunick quoted him.)  Pretty close.

The FNG observation is that if I go 200 mph, why shouldn't I get into the 
200 mph club?  I've read the discussion and I see some well-made points on 
both sides, but this is just what comes to my mind as a new guy.  I'd love 
to take my door slammer over 200.  If I do, that'll meet my goal.  But if I 
get there and find out that it doesn't qualify for membership in the 
club...well, that's a little disappointing. is disappointing, 
I spose.


At 07:17 PM 10/23/2003 -0400, wrote:
>In a message dated 10/23/2003 11:38:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
><< You lost on the reasoning behind that one, but, what the heck do I know.
>  I started and stopped drag racing in the 50's when the starter was a guy
>  a flag in his hand and MPH clocks were gas station ringers. At that time ET
>  results were rare. >>
>Hi Doug The reasoning on that was, when a group told me I could only go so
>fast to win, it then became corporate controlled and creativity was 
>stifled!  A
>200club hopeful can get a real record with innovation, why should the record
>be set so high that only a guy who can afford 7engines be given the only
>chance? Another words if its to hot, spend more money.A Bill France quote: 
>loading the wagon boys the horse is blind". Maybe the 2club can be like 
>someday! Jack

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