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To: Joe Amo <>, Keith Turk <>
Subject: Maxton
From: Dick J <>
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 07:48:17 -0800 (PST)
We had a great weekend at Maxton.  My
"no-show-car" Camaro did pretty good, all things
considered.  I set a new class record on the
second run, then opened the headers (which booted
me into T/O) and added another three miles to my
top speed.  Considering the head wind, I'm happy
with the car's performance.  I had set a
self-imposed red line of 6200, and that's exactly
what I wound it to on my last run. That gave me
126.and change.  I'll be making some changes over
the winter and will go back in June, July or
August (kids out of school months) to try for
some more speed.  I think I can see mid 130s
still at 6200 with a different rear end, an
electric fan and water pump, and the car dropped
down about five inches.  Right now, the rear is
up in the air like a drag car. That was the
expedient way to clear the tires, but it sure
didn't help handling at all.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*         Dick J          * 
*    (In East Texas)      *
*         # 729           *
* C/GRS   C/FRS    D/STR  *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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