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Re: [Healeys] Mating the overdrive to the transmission

To: Michael Salter <michaelsalter@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Mating the overdrive to the transmission
From: Roger Grace <roggrace@telus.net>
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2023 08:42:40 -0700
Cc: "healeys@autox.team.net" <healeys@autox.team.net>
Delivered-to: mharc@autox.team.net
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A few minor corrections ...
Yes MS is correct there is simply no substitute for having a spare shaft -
I try to say goodnight to mine every evening !
I have made his special tool and can confirm it does work.
However it does imply that the OD is open between the adaptor flange and
the OD.
I also use the wire/twine technique.

Now the oil pump. This is not simply held in place by the 2 screws. It is
an interference fit and needs to be pulled out with a 7/16 - 20 bolt -
actually a couple of varying lengths makes it easier. Also a selection of
large washers and spacers are required. To ensure that it does not twist on
you you need some longer about 1/12 in 8-32 screws that replace the shorter
ones mentioned. Also the NR valve MUST be removed and this in turn implies
that the hydraulic cover and large accumulator spring is out. Furthermore
the pump has to be fitted in the correct orientation. I try to make a mark
but easy to get it wrong if lying on your back. Damage can be done
inserting it the wrong way around.

Nowadays I find it easier to assemble the complete OD with the adapter
plate already fitted to the OD. You then don't have to fight with the
release springs as well as gasket goo and the oil pump spring retention all
together. Then use the dummy to do the bl alignment after some careful
threading to pull back the pump spring. I have used this a few times
lowering onto the GB and also even on its side. Patience !

On Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 5:03=E2=80=AFAM Michael Salter <michaelsalter@gmail=

> Although one may be difficult to find there is no substitute for a spare
> gearbox 3rd motion shaft for this job.
> The spare shaft is used to align all the internals then, using my special
> tool to hold the pump plunger retracted
> https://precisionsportscar.com/laycock-de-normanville-overdrive-installat=
>  it is a simple task to lower the overdrive onto the gearbox.
> M
> On Mon., Jun. 19, 2023, 11:41 p.m. Bob Spidell, <bspidell@comcast.net>
> wrote:
>> There is a bronze thrust washer that has to be perfectly centered to get
>> that last 3/4" (#148 in this diagram):
>> https://mossmotors.com/ahy-041-overdrive-unit-bn2-thru-bj8
>> You can wiggle it around with a long screwdriver, or use a suitable
>> 'drift' to center it. Your best bet is to sit the O/D on end and lower t=
>> gearbox onto it; gently rotating the gearbox while lowering. First time =
>> did this I must have got lucky, but danged if I can explain this (see
>> attached photo). Most recently I fought for a couple days then threw in =
>> towel and took gearbox and O/D to BCS which, fortunately, is only a
>> half-hour away. David and his mechanics had a novel technique I've not
>> heard described anywhere; basically, he removed the pump completely--it'=
>> only two screws IIRC--and split the O/D into front and rear sections and
>> tipped the gearbox and O/D up--gearbox on bottom--then had two of his
>> mechanics pull the sections together with huge channellock pliers while
>> David rotated the output shaft to 'feel it in' (you had to be there).
>> Good luck. Make triply sure you have the pump cam oriented correctly, or
>> you'll get more experience with this process than you probably want.
>> bs
>> On 6/19/2023 6:18 PM, warthodson--- via Healeys wrote:
>> I spent the day assisting a friend trying to mate his OD to his
>> transmission. The car is a '63 BJ7. The overdrive & Trans. were pulled t=
>> replace a few internal trans parts which was done & we did not run into =
>> issues. We can get the OD to within approx. 1/2-3/4" of mating to the
>> trans, but cannot close that gap. We have confirmed that the oil pump
>> roller has been fully retracted. What are we bumping up against & how do=
>> get past it?
>> Gary Hodson
>> _______________________________________________
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> Suggested annual donation  $12.75
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<div dir=3D"ltr"><div>A few minor corrections ...</div><div>Yes MS is corre=
ct there is simply no substitute for having a spare shaft - I try to say go=
odnight to mine every evening !</div><div>I have made his special tool and =
can confirm it does work.</div><div>However it does imply that the OD is op=
en between the adaptor flange and the OD.</div><div>I also use the wire/twi=
ne technique.<br></div><div><br></div><div>Now the oil pump. This is not si=
mply held in place by the 2 screws. It is an interference fit and needs to =
be pulled out with a 7/16 - 20 bolt - actually a couple of varying lengths =
makes it easier. Also a selection of large washers and spacers are required=
. To ensure that it does not twist on you you need some longer about 1/12 i=
n 8-32 screws that replace the shorter ones mentioned. Also the NR valve MU=
ST be removed and this in turn implies that the hydraulic cover and large a=
ccumulator spring is out. Furthermore the pump has to be fitted in the corr=
ect orientation. I try to make a mark but easy to get it wrong if lying on =
your back. Damage can be done inserting it the wrong way around.</div><div>=
<br></div><div>Nowadays I find it easier to assemble the complete OD with t=
he adapter plate already fitted to the OD. You then don&#39;t have to fight=
 with the release springs as well as gasket goo and the oil pump spring ret=
ention all together. Then use the dummy to do the bl alignment after some c=
areful threading to pull back the pump spring. I have used this a few times=
 lowering onto the GB and also even on its side. Patience !<br></div><div>r=
g<br></div><div><br></div></div><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote"><div dir=3D"=
ltr" class=3D"gmail_attr">On Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 5:03=E2=80=AFAM Michael S=
alter &lt;<a href=3D"mailto:michaelsalter@gmail.com";>michaelsalter@gmail.co=
m</a>&gt; wrote:<br></div><blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin=
:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex"=
><div dir=3D"auto">Although one may be difficult to find there is no substi=
tute for a spare gearbox 3rd motion shaft for this job.<div dir=3D"auto">Th=
e spare shaft is used to align all the internals then, using my special too=
l to hold the pump plunger retracted</div><div dir=3D"auto"><a href=3D"http=
ol/" target=3D"_blank">https://precisionsportscar.com/laycock-de-normanvill=
e-overdrive-installation-tool/</a></div><div dir=3D"auto">=C2=A0it is a sim=
ple task to lower the overdrive onto the gearbox.=C2=A0</div><div dir=3D"au=
to"><br></div><div dir=3D"auto">M</div></div><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote"=
><div dir=3D"ltr" class=3D"gmail_attr">On Mon., Jun. 19, 2023, 11:41 p.m. B=
ob Spidell, &lt;<a href=3D"mailto:bspidell@comcast.net"; target=3D"_blank">b=
spidell@comcast.net</a>&gt; wrote:<br></div><blockquote class=3D"gmail_quot=
e" style=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204)=
    There is a bronze thrust washer that has to be perfectly centered to
    get that last 3/4&quot; (#148 in this diagram):<br>
    <a href=3D"https://mossmotors.com/ahy-041-overdrive-unit-bn2-thru-bj8"; =
rel=3D"noreferrer" target=3D"_blank">https://mossmotors.com/ahy-041-overdri=
    You can wiggle it around with a long screwdriver, or use a suitable
    &#39;drift&#39; to center it. Your best bet is to sit the O/D on end an=
    lower the gearbox onto it; gently rotating the gearbox while
    lowering. First time I did this I must have got lucky, but danged if
    I can explain this (see attached photo). Most recently I fought for
    a couple days then threw in the towel and took gearbox and O/D to
    BCS which, fortunately, is only a half-hour away. David and his
    mechanics had a novel technique I&#39;ve not heard described anywhere;
    basically, he removed the pump completely--it&#39;s only two screws
    IIRC--and split the O/D into front and rear sections and tipped the
    gearbox and O/D up--gearbox on bottom--then had two of his mechanics
    pull the sections together with huge channellock pliers while David
    rotated the output shaft to &#39;feel it in&#39; (you had to be there).=
    Good luck. Make triply sure you have the pump cam oriented
    correctly, or you&#39;ll get more experience with this process than you
    probably want.<br>
    <div>On 6/19/2023 6:18 PM, warthodson--- via
      Healeys wrote:<br>
    <blockquote type=3D"cite">
      <div style=3D"font-family:Comic Sans MS,sans-serif;font-size:16px">
        <div dir=3D"ltr">I spent the day assisting a
          friend trying to mate his OD to his transmission. The car is a
          &#39;63 BJ7. The overdrive &amp; Trans. were pulled to replace a
          few internal trans parts which was done &amp; we did not run
          into any issues. We can get the OD to within approx. 1/2-3/4&quot=
          of mating to the trans, but cannot close that gap. We have
          confirmed that the oil pump roller has been fully retracted.
          What are we bumping up against &amp; how do we get past it?</div>
        <div dir=3D"ltr">Gary Hodson</div>

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